Q: Is there any legal admin to do?
A: A little bit. We ask guests to confirm their placement and give assurance that all the info they’ve provided is correct. Then guests and hosts are both asked to agree to some basic terms and conditions. Finally, we as that guest and host sign another basic agreement between themselves (which we provide) when they meet.
Q: How long can I stay with one person?
A: Most hosts offer one week, so if you have a six week internship, you may end up with six hosts, or even some gaps between hosts
Q: What happens if something goes wrong with the SRP placement?
A: Email to discuss it
Q: Are background checks required, for guests or hosts?
A: No. It’s down to individuals to make sure they’re happy with the situation, so we don’t require special checks.
Q: How do you connect guests and hosts?
A: We simply email both of you to make the introductions, then it’s over to you to agree the details, like arrival time.
Q: I have a job interview, not an internship. Can I still apply?
A: Yep, just fill in all the details on the form and we’ll try to help.
Q: I work in the book industry in London. How do I pledge a room?
A: Click here to sign up as a potential host (no firm commitment is required!)
Q: I can’t offer a room now, but might be able to in future. Shall I still sign up?
A: Yes! Once you sign up, you’ll start getting email updates from the SRP every few weeks. When you spot someone you can help, let us know. There’s no time pressure.
Q: Do I have to provide work experience as well?
A: No. The aspirant publisher should arrange their own placement.
Q: Do I have to feed them?
A: You can if you like, but there’s no obligation.
Q: Do I have to hang out with them?
A: Ditto. Your call.
Q: I can only do particular dates, is that ok?
A: Yes, we’ll work with whatever you can offer.
Q: How long will the guest stay?
A: Most hosts offer one week’s accommodation. You can offer more if you want, but it’s not expected. Some guests have a job interview rather than an internship, so only need a night or two.
Q: I have small children/yappy dogs/loud neighbours/live in zone 6/live on a houseboat/share with friends/only have a sofa to spare … will anyone want to come to stay??
A: So far yes! The scheme has matched up interns with hosts in all sorts of living arrangements.
Q: Is there any legal admin to do?
A: A little bit. We ask guests to confirm their placement and give assurance that all the info they’ve provided is correct. Then guests and hosts are both asked to agree to some basic terms and conditions. Finally, we as that guest and host sign another basic agreement between themselves (which we provide) when they meet.
Q: Has the project worked?
A: Yes! More than fifteen SRP guests have already secured jobs in London publishing houses since interning, and staying with hosts.
Q: What happens if something goes wrong with the SRP placement?
A: Email to discuss it
Q: Are background checks required, for guests or hosts?
A: No. It’s down to individuals to make sure they’re happy with the situation, so we don’t require special checks.
Q: How do you connect guests and hosts?
A: We simply email both of you to make the introductions, then it’s over to you to agree the details, like arrival time.
©2025 Spare Room Project